Lenore's Slippers

I recently made a pair of baby slippers for a new grandma, and my daughter loved the look of them. On our next Stash Enrichment eXcursion, she charmed me into buying some "Mexican Wave" in a cotton candy color scheme for the express purpose of making her a pair.

The baby booties are an old pattern, one that I originally saw in the early 1980s on a photocopy that was passed around at work. It is credited to an old woman who wanted this to be shared freely, so that the pattern would not "die with her," as she said in the pattern. I found this pattern again on a handout I received last year from a yarn shop, with the same note.

Update: 6/22/01: Someone was kind enough to post to the KnitU list that this was published in letter to the editor of Threads Magazine, from Christine Bourquin in Redwood City, CA, in which she stated, "I don't know of anyone else who makes them, and since I'm 95, I don't want them to die with me." I had heard from someone previously that it was published in a letter to threads, but this is the first time I've known the name. These are great baby booties, btw.

Upsizing the pattern was easy, I started by increasing the cast on sts called for. I changed the ankle design, but it wasn't a real creative leap to do so. These were made big enough to be worn over socks, although they can be worn without, as you see here.

update 4/15/01: Do you want to make your own pair? Click here for the pattern.

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