Lenore’s Slippers

For these slippers I used less than 2 skeins of Mexican Wave ( a worsted weight acrylic) and 2 size 5 circular needles, but you could also use a set of 5 dps. My gauge was 6.5 sts per inch in st st, but anything in that neighborhood will work for you.

If you get stuck while working these, have a look at the photo, or drop me a line and I'll be glad to try to clarify for you.

Work foot:

Cast on 18 sts.

Knit back and forth in garter stitch until you have a piece about ½ inch shorter than the intended wearer’s foot (the yarn stretches when you stand on it).

Knit sides:

Pick up and knit the sts along one side of the foot (leave these on the same circ, or put them on your second dp). With another needle, pick up 18 sts. along the next short side, and follow again the next long side, picking up the same amount of sts. that you picked up on the opposite side.

Mark the beginning of your round with a loose piece of yarn, and purl 4 rows.

Knit 4 rows.

Purl 4 rows.

Repeat until you have 3 purl ridges and are ready to begin a knit row.

Knit 17 sts, and knit the last (18th) st. together with the first side st. Turn.

Purl back across, again purling the last st. with the first st from the long side.

If you are using circular needles, you’re going to have to think about where one side ends and the other starts for the first few rows, or you can place the top sts on a double-pointed needle to keep things simpler.

Continue in this fashion until there are 18 side sts. remaining.

Work ankle:

Knit around the 72 remaining sts. To prevent a hole at the starting end, you might have to pick up an extra st at the end, and knit it together with the first st.

Knit 4 more rounds.

Work a row of eyelets thusly:

(K2, K2tog, yo) twice, K2, (yo, K2tog, K2) twice. Repeat on each side.

*Knit 4 rows.

Purl 4 rows.*

Repeat between ** once, then knit 8 rows and BO loosely. The top ridge is created by the outward curl of the stockinette.

Repeat for second slipper.


Make I-cord ties:

Using dpns, cast on 3 st.

Push the sts. back to the other end of the needle, and knit 3. Repeat until you have a satisfactory length, and BO. Thread the loose end down into the tie, and thread it through the eyelets on the ankle.



© Ingrid L Reed 2001. This pattern is free for your own use but may not be redistributed without the prior written consent of the author. All copies must retain this copyright.

This pattern is inspired by an original baby bootie pattern that was originally published in a letter to the Editor of Threads Magazine from Christine Bourquin of Redwood City, CA. The credit for the original pattern goes to her - my only claim is to the upsizing/adult modifications and the words describing that endeavor.

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